Planting Strawberries in the Fall Useful Knowledge

Planting Strawberries in the Fall   Useful Knowledge


Hey there! I’m Jane, and today I want to share some insights on how we plant our strawberries. Just like planting tomatoes, we prefer to plant our strawberries in the fall to allow them to establish roots before the spring season. After harvesting, we cut them back and repeat the process each year. I’ll walk you through the varieties we use and the steps we take to prepare our strawberries for the upcoming seasons.

Planting Process

What I’ve done here is created three wide rows for our strawberry plants. We plant them about a foot apart, side by side, along the row. Each row can accommodate around a hundred plants in a 50 to 60-foot stretch. I’ll smooth out the soil with a yard rake since I misplaced my garden rake. The strawberries come in plastic planters similar to tomatoes. We dig a hole, place the plant gently, making sure not to bury it deeper than the soil level in the planter. Watering them after planting is essential to help them settle in.

Planting Depth

When planting the strawberry plants, it’s crucial not to bury them deeper than the crown of the plant. The crown should sit at the same level as the surrounding soil to ensure the plant’s survival. By following this guideline, you’ll give your strawberries the best chance to thrive and produce a bountiful harvest.

Upcoming Videos

I hope you found this information helpful in understanding the straightforward process of planting strawberries in the fall. Stay tuned for two more videos in which I’ll demonstrate how we protect the plants from freezing temperatures as winter approaches. Additionally, I’ll showcase our strawberry harvest in the spring, around April to May. Thank you for watching, and don’t forget to say hello to Liberty and Macy!

1. How do you prepare the soil for planting strawberries?
– Before planting strawberries, it’s essential to create wide rows and ensure the soil is adequately smoothed out for optimal plant growth. Plant the strawberries about a foot apart in the rows to allow space for them to develop.

2. Why is it crucial not to plant strawberries deeper than the crown?
– Planting strawberries deeper than the crown can lead to the plant’s death. The crown should be at the same level as the surrounding soil to prevent suffocation and promote healthy growth.

3. What care do strawberry plants require after planting?
– After planting, it’s crucial to water the strawberry plants to help them settle in the soil. Regular watering and monitoring for pests or diseases are essential for the plants’ overall health and productivity.

4. How do you protect strawberry plants from freezing temperatures?
– To protect strawberry plants from freezing temperatures, consider covering them with appropriate materials like row covers or straw. This helps insulate the plants and shield them from extreme cold, ensuring their survival during winter.

5. When can one expect to harvest strawberries after planting in the fall?
– Typically, strawberries planted in the fall can be harvested in the following spring, around April to May. Monitoring the plants’ growth and readiness for harvest is crucial to enjoy ripe and flavorful strawberries.