How to Plant Tomatoes Useful Knowledge

How to Plant Tomatoes  Useful Knowledge


Hey there, it’s Jamie from usefulknowledge. Today, I want to share with you a gardening technique that I’ve perfected over the past 20 years – planting tomatoes with cow manure and lime. This method has helped me prevent blossom end rot in my tomatoes and reduce the need for constant watering during hot and dry months. Let’s dive into the details of how to plant tomatoes the right way.

Adding Lime for Calcium

One of the key components of my tomato planting method is adding lime to the soil. Lime provides calcium and magnesium, essential nutrients that help prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes. By incorporating lime into the planting process, you can ensure your tomatoes grow healthy and free from rot.

The $4 Solution

About two decades ago, I discovered the benefits of adding lime to my tomato plants when I faced issues with blossom end rot. Instead of expensive calcium sprays, I opted for a $4 bag of lime, which worked wonders for my tomato plants. This cost-effective solution has saved my tomatoes from rotting and has been a game-changer in my gardening routine ever since.

Planting Process

To plant your tomatoes using this method, start by adding a handful of composted cow manure and lime into each planting hole. This combination provides the necessary nutrients for healthy tomato growth and helps prevent blossom end rot. When planting the tomato seedlings, remove the bottom leaves and plant them deep in the soil to encourage root development.

Benefits of Deep Planting

Deep planting your tomato seedlings allows them to develop a strong root system, making them more resilient to drought conditions. By ensuring that the roots are deep in the soil, your tomatoes will be able to access moisture more efficiently, reducing the need for frequent watering, especially during hot and dry weather.

Spacing and Support

Plant your tomato seedlings about three feet apart to allow room for growth. As the plants mature, use tomato cages for support and protection. Additionally, mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. These simple steps can enhance the health and productivity of your tomato plants.


By following these planting techniques and incorporating cow manure and lime into your gardening routine, you can enjoy robust and healthy tomato plants without the worry of blossom end rot or excessive watering. Take the time to set up your tomato plants correctly, and you’ll reap the rewards with a bountiful harvest.

Now that we’ve covered the key points of planting tomatoes with cow manure and lime, let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like to share your own gardening tips and experiences!

**Related Questions:**

1. How does adding lime to the soil benefit tomato plants?

Adding lime provides calcium and magnesium, essential nutrients that help prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes.

2. What inspired the $4 solution for preventing blossom end rot in tomatoes?

The discovery that a $4 bag of lime could effectively replace expensive calcium sprays to combat blossom end rot in tomato plants.

3. Why is deep planting beneficial for tomato seedlings?

Deep planting encourages strong root development, making the plants more resilient to drought conditions and reducing the need for frequent watering.

4. How should tomato seedlings be spaced for optimal growth?

Plant tomato seedlings about three feet apart to allow room for growth and facilitate proper support with tomato cages as they mature.

5. What additional steps can be taken to support tomato plant growth?

Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and further enhance the health and productivity of tomato plants.