Iranian Girls Dont All Wear Hijab Is It Really That Bad

Iranian Girls Dont All Wear Hijab  Is It Really That Bad


Hey there! I’m Ryan Ear, a filmmaker and photographer on a journey through Iran. Join me as I share my experiences and discoveries in this fascinating country. From receiving a rose from a secret admirer to exploring abandoned villages, I’m here to show you the real Iran beyond its stereotypes.

Exploring an Abandoned Village

As I ventured from the bustling city of Tehran to a remote village between Tehran and Esfahan, I was struck by the tranquility and beauty of the abandoned village. The mud walls, natural earthy colors, and deserted streets provided a stark contrast to the busy city life. It was a perfect place for capturing unique photographs and taking a moment to unwind from the chaos of the city.

Encountering Locals

While exploring a park in Esfahan, I had a memorable encounter with a local who handed me a flower—a simple yet touching gesture that highlighted the warmth and hospitality of the Iranian people. I also had the chance to chat with a group of Iranian girls, who shared insights into their studies, views on marriage, and the balance between tradition and modernity in their lives.

Discovering the Dry Zayandeh River

One of the intriguing sights in Esfahan was the Zayandeh River, or what was left of it. I learned from a local about the challenges Iran faces with water scarcity and how certain cities prioritize water usage, leaving other regions dry. Despite the lack of water, the arid landscape around the riverbed provided a unique backdrop for capturing stunning photographs.

Heading Towards New Adventures

In the upcoming episodes of my journey through Iran, I’ll take you on a shopping spree in the bazaar, navigate cultural differences, and encounter unexpected surprises along the way. Stay tuned for more exciting stories and experiences from my travels in this captivating country.


1. How did the abandoned village between Tehran and Esfahan differ from the city of Tehran?

*The abandoned village offered tranquility and a sense of isolation, with its mud walls and deserted streets standing in stark contrast to the busy and chaotic city life of Tehran.*

2. What gesture of hospitality did the local in Esfahan extend to the author?

*The local in Esfahan handed the author a flower, a simple yet heartfelt gesture that showcased the warmth and kindness of the Iranian people.*

3. What insights did the author gain from his conversation with the Iranian girls in the park?

*The author learned about the girls’ studies, views on marriage, and the balance they strive to maintain between traditional values and modern perspectives in their lives.*

4. What did the author discover about the Zayandeh River in Esfahan?

*The author learned about the challenges of water scarcity in Iran and how certain cities prioritize water usage, leaving some regions, like the Zayandeh River, dry and barren.*

5. What can readers look forward to in the upcoming episodes of the author’s journey through Iran?

*Readers can anticipate stories about a shopping spree in the bazaar, navigating cultural differences, and encountering unexpected surprises as the author continues his adventures in Iran.*